পায়খানা ক্লিয়ার করার ট্যাবলেট এর নাম

 Some people have toilet problems. If these problems occur, starting from eating and drinking, other stomach problems will occur. If there is no bowel movement for three to four consecutive days, one has to face flatulence and bad breath. Usually, if these problems occur, you need to take medicine as soon as possible with the doctor's advice. Many people find the names of medicines to eliminate toilet problems from sitting at home.

পায়খানা ক্লিয়ার করার ট্যাবলেট এর নাম জেনে নিন

If you ever have problems with the toilet, you should get the problem solved as soon as possible. Because from this problem you have to face bigger problems. If you want to clean the toilet, you must follow some rules and medicines. If a person does not have a bowel movement for two to three days, you should consult a doctor. You can know the name of toilet clearing tablets by reading our post.

Name of toilet clearing tablet

People with toilet problems sit in the bathroom for hours. But their stomach does not clear stool. Some people's stools suddenly become hard and gritty. Then their toilet is not cleaned properly. Many people try to find out the name of tablets online to get rid of this toilet problem. Because going to the doctor often does not provide a solution. Therefore, for your convenience, I have mentioned the names of some toilet clearing tablets. They must be consumed as per the doctor's advice.

  • Bisacodyl 5mg
  • Dulcolax 5mg
  • Duralax 5mg
  • Lactulose

What will be the toilet after playing?

If you eat and drink some natural things in a proper manner, you will have a bowel movement. Stomach cleansing foods you should eat every day. First of all, vegetables should be eaten more. After that, mix warm milk with half water and drink it. And daily food should include vitamin rich fruits, plenty of water, and regular pulses. If you eat these foods daily you will have regular bowel movements.

Stool softening syrup

Today, people from small children to adults are having toilet problems. If the stool is hard, the stomach will be flat and the body will gradually deteriorate. Many people have trouble having a bowel movement every two to three days. Many people find syrup for this problem.

Because the syrup softens the stool very quickly. Buy stool softener syrups especially for children. You can take the syrup from children to adults as per doctor's advice. Check out the names of stool softener syrups.

  • Dlac syrup
  • Frelax syrup
  • Avolac syrup
  • Milk of magnesia syrup
  • Cremaffin plus syrup

Home remedies to clean the toilet

You can clear the toilet in a few days with home remedies. It is better to eat different things at home than to take medicine. It produces various vitamins in the body and keeps the body fresh. First you need to drink plenty of water. Because if you drink enough water, your stomach will clear and the toilet will go.

After waking up regularly in the morning, Isubgul husks and totma should be drunk in syrup. And green vegetables should be eaten in the daily food list. In these ways, if you eat according to the rules, the toilet will be cleared within a few days.

last word

For those of you who have toilet problems. Many people do not know the information about what medicine will clear the toilet. Many people were looking online for information on home remedies or what medicines to take to get rid of constipation. Hope you have read our complete post to get detailed information about Toilet Clearing Tablet Name and Home Remedies for Toilet Clearing. Keep sharing our website for more such important information. thank you

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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