What Is CNC Machining and How Does It Work?

 In today's modern manufacturing world, not many products are made without CNC machining. This includes basic items such as toys, household appliances and machines, but also cars, aircraft and medical devices, among others. CNC machining is incredibly versatile and many industries cannot do without it.

What Is CNC Machining and How Does It Work?

Some of the major industries that rely heavily on CNC machining include aerospace, automotive, medical manufacturing, and woodworking. Here, they use it for various operations such as drilling and routing while the aerospace industry favors CNC machining as it offers a five-axis option when needed. This functionality means they can more easily handle hard-to-cut materials like Inconel.

In the healthcare or medical sector, CNC machines play an essential role for micro-machining. This involves making all the small parts made from different types of materials for different life saving applications. Examples of CNC machined parts are pacemakers or titanium joints not to mention tools and implements for medical professionals.

What is CNC machining?

CNC or computer numerical control refers to a process that uses a computer to control machine tools. Some of the equipment that computer systems control include lathes, mills, routers, and grinders.

As computers control the machines, all major manufacturing operations are automated resulting in faster production and better quality The importance of quality CNC machining should not be overlooked as it makes all the difference to the final product.

How does CNC machining work?

When first looking at the CNC process, it may seem like a simple PC that controls the machines, but it is definitely not. The computer system and software sets it apart from the rest with unique and advanced control consoles.

As mentioned earlier, CNC machine tools work through numerical control which is basically a computer program customized for an object. These machines are also programmed with a CNC machining language or 'G-code' which will control the feed rate, adjustment, position and speed. Computers control precise position and velocity making CNC machining ideal for manufacturing metal and plastic parts.

First, create a drawing using CAD software (2D or 3D) and then create a code that the machine can understand. The program loads and a human operator checks the program to make sure there are no problems. This effectively became a trial run and many referred to it as "cutting air". This is an important step in the process because any mistake with the speed or position of the tool can result in a scrapped part or worse, a damaged machine.

Why is CNC machining important?

CNC machining is a popular method because it streamlines the manufacturing process. There are many advantages to using CNC machining as the process is much more precise than manual machining. Here are some of the main advantages of CNC machining:

  • The manufacturing process can be repeated countless times in exactly the same manner
  • The advanced endurance of CNC machines means they can work continuously, even on weekends and holidays
  • Each part that the CNC machines produces matches the exact specifications of the prototype
  • CNC results in parts manufactured with greater precision and improved speed
  • Due to the improved precision, CNC machines can create complex shapes that would otherwise be impossible to achieve using manual machines
  • CNC machining can create many complex 3D shapes
  • CNC requires fewer workers to perform production tasks

Reduced expenditure on personnel, training and production costs results in large potential savings

These qualities allow companies to use CNC machines for jobs that require a high level of precision or repetitive tasks. Due to cost reduction, CNC machining can impact a better bottom line for manufacturing businesses and their clients. Companies can use the subsequent lower costs to create competitive advantage and reinvestment opportunities in the business.

CNC machining for metal removal

People often use CNC machines in industries where they need to remove excess metal from raw materials to make complex parts. A good example is the automotive industry where they manufacture gears, shafts and other complex parts from raw materials.

CNC machines are also used in the manufacturing industry to produce rectangular, square, round and even threaded work. These machines can control and manage all processes including milling, grinding, turning, boring and reaming, among others, using specific machine tools for each task.

CNC and Metal Fabrication

Several industries require thin plates for many applications and make extensive use of CNC machines. These machines include plasma or flame cutting, laser cutting, shearing, forming and welding. CNC plasma or laser cutters can shape metal while manufacturers use CNC turret presses to punch holes. CNC press brakes perform other operations with very high-precision, including metal plate bending

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