Rhinoplasty is a popular surgical procedure for reshaping the nose. Surgery can reduce dorsal humps, correct asymmetry, refine bulbous tips, improve drooping columella, and even improve breathing in some cases. Whether you're seeking surgery to enhance the appearance of the tip or bridge of the nose or improve breathing by correcting a deviated septum, rhinoplasty can enhance quality of life by increasing confidence and helping function.

It may take 12-18 months for swelling to subside after rhinoplasty, but noticeable swelling will fade long before your final results debut. As your post-op swelling subsides, you will gradually begin to see your new nose shape. Most patients begin to see improvement within a few weeks as the initial swelling fades, but the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that it takes about a year for the new nasal contour to fully refine.


To avoid the risk of complications such as increased swelling or infection, you should avoid strenuous activities such as running or lifting weights until your doctor says it is safe to return to them. This break from the gym usually takes about six weeks but varies from patient to patient.

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Timeline Of Swelling Stages After Rhinoplasty

Be patient with your body as it heals after your rhinoplasty. You'll notice that the swelling gradually fades at the rate your body naturally does, but we've listed a general timeline of what to expect at each stage of post-op healing.

Areas where patients experience swelling after rhinoplasty are the tip of the nose, the bridge of the nose, and the areas of the mouth around the nose. Swelling may get worse before it gets better, so don't panic if you have more swelling a few days after rhinoplasty right after your surgery.

First Week Post-Op

Be prepared for significant swelling for the first few days after your rhinoplasty. You may experience some tenderness and discomfort during this time. It is normal to have some difficulty breathing for the first few days after your nose job, but this will improve as the swelling goes down.

We recommend stacking plenty of pillows and sleeping in an almost upright position the first night after your rhinoplasty to improve blood flow through your nose and reduce swelling and inflammation. According to the Mayo Clinic, resting your head higher than your chest reduces swelling and bleeding.

In the first week after your rhinoplasty, your nose may be swollen and possibly sore around your eyes, cheeks, and lips. One week after your surgery, you will visit Dr. Markarin to have your cast, splints, and stitches removed. At this stage, your nose will appear swollen. Don't be alarmed. It will look nothing like the final result.

Second Week Post-Op

There is a significant reduction in post-op swelling in the second week after your nose job, even if it's not noticeable to you when you look at yourself every day. Some patients even feel comfortable enough to go out in public again two weeks after surgery by covering any remaining scars with concealer. Most patients whose jobs are not physically demanding can return to work by the two-week mark.

Weeks 3-4 Post-Op

Although the swelling may seem very noticeable to you, the swelling should decrease dramatically four weeks after your rhinoplasty. Almost all of your visible post-op symptoms, such as bruising, should fade by this stage.

This 3-4 week mark is when patients first begin to feel a sense of excitement as they begin to see their new nose slowly begin to light up. However, if the skin on your nose is a bit thicker it is normal to have some more noticeable swelling at this point.

2-3 Months Post-Op

Your swelling should fade further, gradually revealing your new nose. Your bone structure should be stronger and more stable about 2-3 months after your surgery, so your doctor may allow you to return to weight lifting and more intense cardio.

4-6 Months Post-Op

Once you reach 4-6 months post-op, most of the swelling will be gone and you should start to get a better idea of what your final result will look like. You should not feel any numbness or tingling in your nose at this point. According to RealSelf, about 90% of swelling resolves within 6 months, with the remaining 10% mostly on the tip.

12-18 Months Post-Op

After about a year, you will be able to see the final results of your rhinoplasty surgery. You may have minimal swelling up to 18 months after your surgery, but any changes after the 12-month mark will be subtle. By this point the restored and reshaped cartilage should be fixed and the bridge and tip of your nose should be noticeably refined.

What Affects My Recovery After Rhinoplasty?

Several factors can affect the rate at which you heal after a nose job, including:

  • The extent of your surgery, including how much manipulation of nasal skin, bone, and cartilage is involved
  • Types of surgical techniques used
  • Your body's healing process
  • Whether your procedure is primary rhinoplasty, septorhinoplasty or revision rhinoplasty
  • The texture and thickness of your skin
  • Whether you allow yourself to rest

How To Reduce Swelling After Rhinoplasty

Although everyone heals at different rates, and you can't dramatically speed up the rate at which your post-rhinoplasty swelling goes down, there are steps you can take to promote optimal healing.

Our recommendations for reducing swelling after your nose include:

  • Avoid strenuous exercise until your doctor gives you permission to resume
  • Avoid blood thinners
  • Keep your head up
  • Take light walks to prevent blood clots
  • Maintain a healthy diet full of nutritious foods
  • Sleep on your back
  • Avoid blowing your nose
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Apply any cleanser, moisturizer or cream as recommended by your doctor
  • Use cold compresses
  • Be careful about using sun protection
  • Avoid smoking

When Should I Worry About Swelling After Rhinoplasty?

Swelling is normal after rhinoplasty, but it can be worrisome and should be reported to your surgeon when:
  • The swelling is severe and shows no signs of improvement over time
  • Swelling causes significant pain or fever
  • Discharge starts coming out from the treated area
  • Swelling makes it difficult to breathe through your nose

Why Is Day 3 After Surgery The Worst For Swelling?

The appearance of your nose immediately after surgery is more similar to your final result than your nose 2-3 days after surgery because swelling has not started. After rhinoplasty, swelling gets worse before it gets better because inflammation is the body's way of starting the healing process. This usually occurs around the third day after surgery and is likely to cause you the most discomfort. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication to keep this discomfort to a minimum.

Ready To Love Your Nose?

If you're considering reshaping your nose and are ready for a long road to your final results, book a virtual consultation with Boston plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Markarian to share your concerns and discover if rhinoplasty is right for you. During your rhinoplasty consultation, Dr. Markarian will listen to your goals, evaluate your nose, show you before and after photos of past patients with noses like yours, and give you a rough outline of what to expect throughout your journey to new confidence.

How long until the swelling goes down after rhinoplasty?

Most of the swelling should go away within 3 to 4 weeks. Your nose will hurt a bit, and you may have a headache. Your nose may become stuffy and you may have trouble breathing for a short time. The skin on the tip of your nose may become numb.

How long should nose swelling last?

Swelling and bruising of the outer nose without a fracture is common. It can be mistaken for a broken nose. The swelling will go away in 4 or 5 days. Then the shape of the nose will look normal.

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